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GYM: Quads & Calves + Abs

July 4

Quads & Calves + Abs

  1. Heel Elevated Back Squat – 14,12,10,8 reps
  2. Walking Lunges (holding dumbbells) – 30 reps – 3 sets
  3. Goblet Pulse Squat – 8 reps – 3 sets
  4. Leg Extensions – 12,12,10,10 reps
  5. Adductors – 12 reps – 3 sets
  6. Calf Raises – until failure – 4 sets

12 min lower Abs – Perform each exercise for 40 sec with a 20 sec rest inbetween – 3 rounds

  1. Alternating V Up
  2. Side to Side Leg Crunch
  3. Plank Dumbbell Reach
  4. Russian Twist Leg Crunch


Heel Elevated Back Squat (barbell or smith machine)

Using a wedge to elevate your heels, (or a weight plate) position your feet with your heels together (couple inches apart) & your toes pointing out, creating a “V” with your feet. As you squat down make sure your knees are going out and you’re squatting as low as you can.


Walking Lunges (holding dumbbells) 

Step out so your knee is bent in a 90 degree angle, your back knee should be in about a 90 degree angle as well. Push up through your front heel bring your back leg up. Repeat with the other leg. Make sure your are keeping your core tight and your torso up straight.


Goblet Pulse Squat


Leg Extensions

Before starting this exercise a very important part is making sure the machine is adjusted right for you. The back on the seat can move forward and back, you want that to be set up so that the back of your knee is about 2 inches off the seat. Make sure to hold the handles and keep your glutes and back on the pads throughout the exercise. Simply bring your legs up and squeeze at the top, then slowly bring them back down getting the full range of motion.




Calf Raises

Hold onto the handles and position your toes on the end of the platform with a slight bend in your knees. Squeeze your calves with each rep. Keep your torso upright and your core tight. Your gym might have a different calve machine this but you can use whatever one they have. If they don’t have one, you can do standing ones holding 2 dumbbells. Keep your torso up right and core tight.


12 min Abs – Perform each exercise for 40 sec with a 20 sec rest inbetween – 3 rounds 

  1. Alternating V Up
  2. Side to Side Leg Crunch
  3. Plank Dumbbell Reach
  4. Russian Twist Leg Crunch


July 4
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