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HOME: Quads & Calves + Abs

March 14

Quads & Calves + Abs

  1. Heel Elevated Gobet Pulse Squat – 10 reps – 4 sets
  2. Split Lunge – 10 reps each leg – 4 sets
  3. Squat Calf Raise – 10 reps – 4 sets
  4. Walking Lunges – 20 reps – 3 sets
  5. Sissy Squat – until failue – 3 sets
  6. Calf Raises – until failure – 3 sets


Perform each exercise for 40 sec with a 20 sec rest in between – 3 rounds

  1. Mountain Climbers
  2. Leg Drops
  3. Bicycles
  4. Plank Dips


Heel Elevated Goblet Pulse Squat 


Split Lunge 

Position yourself in a lunge stance with one leg about 2 feet out in front of you and the other about 2 feet behind you. Keeping your weight in you front foot heel, lower down to the ground and back up repeatedly. Do all the reps on one leg until you are finished then switch legs.


Squat Calf Raise 

With your feet about hips width apart and a dumbbell in each hand, squat down as low as you can keeping your weight in your heels. As you come up from the squat you are going to go all the way up on your toes, squeezing your calves for a second before squatting back down.


Walking Lunges

Step out so your knee is bent in a 90 degree angle, your back knee should be in about a 90 degree angle as well. Push up through your front heel bring your back leg up. Repeat with the other leg. Make sure your are keeping your core tight and your torso up straight.


Sissy Squat 


Calf Raises


Perform each exercise for 40 sec with a 20 sec rest in between – 3 rounds

  1. Mountain Climbers
  2. Leg Drops
  3. Bicycles
  4. Plank Dips


March 14
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