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Full Body Lift

February 21

Full Body Lift

  1. Back Squat – 8 reps – 4 sets
  2. Military Press – 8 reps – 4 sets
  3. Bent Over Row – 10 reps – 4 sets
  4. Steps Ups – 8 reps – 4 sets


  1. Bicep Curls – 10 – 4 sets

Superset with

  1. Tricep Push Up – 10 reps – 4 sets


Back Squat (barbell or dumbbell)

Position your feet shoulder width with your toes pointed slight outward, doing this will help force your knees out. You never want your knees to be caving in at any time. Sit back into your heels as you squat down. Brace your core and keep your chest up with your chin tucked, this will help keep your spine in aline and keep your back from arching. When placing the bar on your back you want to put it across your traps and shoulders, making sure you are in the center of the bar with your hands evenly placed on each side.


Military Press (barbell or dumbbell)

Stand with your feet about hips width apart and grip the barbell slightly inside shoulder width wide. Keep your core tight and engaged throughout the exercise to avoid arching your back. Slowly lower the bar down to your chest and push the bar above your head making sure to get your arms all the way straight. The bar should be in your palms pushing straight up.


Bent Over Row (barbell or dumbbell)

Start by standing with you feet close together, bent over at a 45 degree angle with a slight bend in your knees. Holding the barbell with an underhand grip, both your palms facing away from you. It’s important to keep your back straight and you chin tucked down towards your chest to avoid arching your lower back. Pull the barbell up towards your hips and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return back down very slow and controlled, you lead the barbell don’t let it pull you.


Steps Ups (smith machine or dumbbells) 

Bicep Curls

Stand with your feet hips width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. Curl the dumbbell up towards your shoulder with your palms facing up. It’s important to keep your core tight to prevent your lower back from arcing. Also make sure you are not swinging the dumbbell up with each curl, this exercise should be slow and controlled.


Tricep Push Up 

You can do this on the end of a bench or on the ground. What makes this a tricep pushup is having your hands close together. Make sure your shoulders are right over your hands. As you lower your chest to the ground, make sure your elbows stay close to your body.


February 21
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